Filtering by: “Webinar”

On Demand Webinar: From Selection to Safety: Navigating ESD Flooring for High-Performance Laboratories

On Demand Webinar: From Selection to Safety: Navigating ESD Flooring for High-Performance Laboratories

This free webinar will provide essential guidance from industry experts on how to select and implement the right electrostatic discharge flooring for high-performance labs, and how to navigate the different types of ESD flooring materials, achieve optimal static control, and extend the lifespan and effectiveness of your flooring system

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On Demand Webinar: Design to Empower Ergonomics in Laboratories

On Demand Webinar: Design to Empower Ergonomics in Laboratories

On Demand Webinar: Design to Empower Ergonomics in Laboratories

Enjoy this free on demand webinar from Lab Design, where our experts will discuss how to enhance the human experience of science-focused spaces through thoughtful lab design.

Thursday, March 7, 2024
1:00 PM EST

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Lab Design is an AIA CES approved education provider

As laboratory planners and designers, we want to deliver facilities that are both “cool” and highly functional. Our goal is to create a beautiful place where people want to work and also serves as a second home base that inspires their work to the next level of discovery and success. However, have architects lost sight of the basic needs of human beings in the chase to achieve the “glamour shot”-worthy laboratory workplace? If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then is a basic, highly capable facility that is easily customized by employees just as (or more) successful as the workplace ripe with the latest “free bagel and beanbag” trends and aesthetics?

Truly great design is all about the people, how they define the functionality, and more importantly, how they describe the place they want to work. This presentation explores lab environments conducive to science that is also shaped by an understanding of how humans function in and experience those spaces. 

Learning objectives:

  1. Identify best lab practices for supporting science

  2. Understand consequences associated with creating poor environments for humans

  3. Identify best practices for creating lab environments to enhance the human experience of science-focused spaces

  4. Provide leadership approaches for including the entire design team (including engineers) into this concept

This course is approved by AIA CES for 1 LU


Taisha Griffith
Director of the DC Office, Laboratory Planner
HERA Lab Planners

Jinhee Lee, AIA, NCARB, CDT
Senior Associate, Senior Laboratory Architect
HERA Lab Planners

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