
Selecting Appropriate Flooring Based on Lab Usage and Scope
In this exploration, some key elements to flooring selection are addressed, as well as how the function of the space can indeed be impacted by the design of the flooring patterns

Lab Flooring Made Easier
Understand the questions to ask your flooring provider, and what you need to do in order to prep for the renovation or replacement of your lab’s flooring system

Incorporating Gloveboxes into Lab Design
Lab Design News spoke to Shelby Hiquet, product manager of Medline Industries about the ins and outs of gloveboxes in lab design

Scientists Step into the Light
Breaking with convention and re-imagining the modern scientific lab

Researchers Need Great Seating, Too!
Outfitting a lab with ergonomic seating cannot be an afterthought

Creating Cohesive LED Lighting within the Laboratory Environment
Design and lighting considerations for lab facilities

Get Proactive about Power Quality During the Lab Design Process
The power environment is crucial to the lab design process

Lighting Laboratories: Design Challenges
Effective laboratory lighting is not one solution fits all—or even most

Safer Indoor Air Systems Help Prevent COVID-19
Proper ventilation and airflow keeps lab occupants healthy

Webinars: Innovations in Laboratory Cabinetry
Join Lab Manager and our panel of experts as we discuss lab cabinetry design, options for laboratory benching and design ideas to maximize your resources when selecting and designing your cabinetry in the lab