
Lab Planning 101: The Complete Guide to Electrostatic Dissipative Flooring

Lab Planning 101: The Complete Guide to Electrostatic Dissipative Flooring

ESD flooring is essential for protecting sensitive electronic equipment from the damaging effects of static electricity—what do you need to consider when choosing and maintaining the right flooring for your lab?

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Health and Research Facility Pioneers Collaborative Approach to Medical Science Breakthroughs

Health and Research Facility Pioneers Collaborative Approach to Medical Science Breakthroughs

Lab Design spoke to Andrew Schunke and Diana Rosenthal, both principals, and Esther Mavrokokki, a senior associate from Architectus, and Flinders University’s Angela Binns, a senior manager of technical services at the College Medicine & Public Health, and Professor Damien Keating, deputy director of Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute

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Client and Architect Communications: Strategies for Seamless Lab Design
Lab Planning 101, Features- General, Features Katie Archard AIA, LEED AP Lab Planning 101, Features- General, Features Katie Archard AIA, LEED AP

Client and Architect Communications: Strategies for Seamless Lab Design

Successful project experiences are defined by clients as those with open and effective communication among team members, requiring daily discipline and commitment. Additionally, empathy and listening to diverse perspectives are crucial, especially in complex lab design projects, to overcome obstacles and achieve great outcomes.

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