Across the Table: Evolutionary Lab Development
Large laboratory projects often face delays, budget overruns, and unmet expectations due to a lack of trust and collaboration among stakeholders, unlike smaller projects where trusting relationships, streamlined processes, and rapid issue resolution have historically led to success
Across The Table: The Most Common Specification Mistake
Facilities staff constantly have to fix a problem that wouldn’t exist if lab planners specified vacuum breakers properly
Across the Table: Inclusion and Lab Design
In reading documents on the subject I see that concerns fall into two primary categories, the physical design of the laboratory and the behavior of managers in response to needs
Across the Table: Upsetting the Contractors
It’s not often contractors are angry for good performance
Across the Table: Supporting the Science
The science keeps evolving, the instruments keep evolving. Why doesn’t the laboratory furniture?
Across the Table: How Do You Lower Customer Risk?
Can anyone call themselves a lab planner?
Across the Table: What’s Missing from Lunch and Learns?
Across the Table with Dave Withee: Lunch and Learn
Across the Table: Specify What You Really Want
Across the Table with Dave Withee on specifications