
Across The Table: The Most Common Specification Mistake
Facilities staff constantly have to fix a problem that wouldn’t exist if lab planners specified vacuum breakers properly

Reimagining the Lab: Creating People-First Laboratories
Project teams are tasked with designing labs that balance the demands of controlled research with the needs of diverse users by employing a people-centric approach at the micro, meso, and macro scales to enhance comfort, wellbeing, and productivity

Innovative Lab Design Trends: From Collaborative Spaces to AI-Driven Efficiency
Scott Strom and Gavin Keith of DPR Construction offer insight into the ways that lab spaces are evolving to meet new trends and innovations

Deadline Extended for 2025 Lab Design Conference Call for Speakers
Extended deadline announced for the 2025 Lab Design Conference call for speakers—submissions must be received by August 16

Elevating Laboratory Design: Insights on Customizing and Maintaining Elevator Systems for Research Facilities
There are key differences between installing elevators in standard office or residential buildings versus specialized research facilities like laboratories or life science buildings

Professional Profile: Jane Kepros
Lab Design spoke to Jane Kepros, LEED GA, the director of lab programming at Margulies Perruzzi about her career journey, professional advice, and hobbies.

Webinar Preview: Navigating the Path to Building Systems Decarbonization
Frank Angelini and Stephen Lahti’s webinar will offer practical, achievable advice on how to promote sustainable and low carbon-built laboratory environments

Professional Profile: Dominick Roveto
Dominick Roveto, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, principal and Science + Technology Leader and principal at DLR Group in New York City, shares his thoughts on challenges for lab designers, strengthening client relationships, and “Tough Tech” projects

How ESG Reporting Benefits Lab Owners and Operators
Perkins&Will’s environmental, social, and governance report helps lab owners and operators address environmental impacts and attract investors and employees by tracking and reporting their labs' alignment with these principles